
See Our NLP middleware in action: Home Automation

We have developed a fully functional Home Automation assistant. Let us show you!

Our Home Automation Assistant is an NLP-enabled middleware capable of understanding user's requests integrated from within any home control system, either proprietary or open, like Amazon Echo or Google Home. 

How were we able to create a home automatization bot that distinguishes over 500 actions and thousands of entities without spending months creating and labeling a corpus? That is what you will see in this demo, all our technology in action:

  • Slot generation: automatically identify intents & entities so your bot platform or ML algorithm can make use of the data.  
  • Natural Language Generation: solves the problem of data sparsity generating hundreds of relevant queries and automatically tagging them with the relevant intents and entities for the home automatization vertical
  • Sentence rewriting: solves the problem of data sparsity normalizing and simplifying human language in to sentences that the bot can understand

If you want to schedule a demo, please fill the form and we will contact you shortly.